Sunday, April 15, 2012

Nest Envy?

When I went out to do my regular check out, nobody was there.  We hung around for a while, and then a female returned, flew around and departed. 

Shortly thereafter, a male came by and landed in the nest to be met by a female.

I say "A male and A female", because within 10 minutes, there were 4 Ospreys twisting and turning in the sky above and around the nest!
So this begs the question..welcoming committee?  Another couple trying to take over the nest?  Jealousy?  What makes this especially interesting is when I try and look closely, I can not find any photos with two identifiable males in them...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Settling in..

Last night, we went to take a quick look to see how the Amherstview clan were doing.  When we got there, the girlfriend was in the nest and quite vocal.  She took to the air and did a few circuits before heading out to find the dad.

Dad was off at nest depot, picking up some more bedding for the nest.

Dad watches his new girlfriend try and land at the it just me or does he look bemused?

When the girlfriend came back, dad would not move over and she needed to do a bunch of circuits before she decided to land somewhere else.  Which gave me a few more chances to get a closer look at her.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Dad's got a new girl!

Today, we went out to see what was going on, and Dad has a new mate!  As we approached, one took off and the other stayed behind for a bit.  We got to see both in flight together and seperate, and were able to confirm one male and one female!
Formation flying

Check out the new girls necklace!

Dad guides in the new mate!